Tansee iPhone Transfer SMS is a backup utility for iPhone owners. It can be used to transfer and backup your SMS chat history to your PC quite quickly and easily. This app can read your SMS history in two different ways. The first one is with your iPhone plugged in into your computer via its USB cable. The second way is If you have previously synced your device with iTunes and there is a backup file. Both sent and received messages can be backed up.
Tansee iPhone Transfer SMS will display a list of your conversations. It will include the dates the messages were sent and the name of the contact that you sent them to. The message view is identical to what you see on your iPhone, which makes it easy to follow long conversations. By default, the messages are sorted by send date, but you can also choose to sort them by contact name. When you are ready to back up a conversation, you can simply go to it and click on the "Copy" button. You can either export the conversion into a TXT file or an MHT file. The trial version only lets you copy the last 20 messages and you can't copy individual messages.
Tansee iPhone Transfer SMS worked just fine when I tested it. The iPhone that I used can't be synced with iTunes, but this app detected my messages just fine. Copying messages was easy and fast.
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